Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A Belated Halloween Post of My Own

In response to Takoma Gardener...I remembered that I'd snapped this picture of the only orange thing I could think to put on my porch, having neglected to get (or grow) a pumpkin.

Calendula blooms all year here, and they are practically weeds. Did I put them on my list of favorite plants? If not, I should have. They are so cheerful in the gloom that is winter in Humboldt County. The petals are edible. They attract beneficial insects. They have a surprisingly long vase life if you feed them, and since they bloom in winter here, they are a real lifesaver at the holidays, when there is nothing else but berries and branches to bring indoors. I bought a traditional style of Dutch vase in Holland last year that is perfect for them...I'll post a photo next time I use it. Posted by Picasa